DxO FILMPACK v2 英文正式版(數碼影像軟體)
DxO FILM PACK是法國DXO公司繼大名鼎鼎的RAW沖洗軟體DxO Optics Pro後推出的一個在
數碼影像上可以模擬膠卷的顏色、對比度、顆粒感等獨特的軟體. 這個DxO Film Pack軟
DxO FilmPack allows you to rediscover the
style, colors, and grain of the most famous
silver-halide films in your digital photos.
Precise renderings obtained through
scientific calibration allows highly
accurate simulation of the color,
saturation, contrast, and grain of 50
silver-halide films in your digital photos.
The softness of Fuji Reala for portraits,
the charm of a Polaroid, the strength and
grain of Kodak Tri-X?select from among 50
film renderings. Combine the colors of one
film with the grain from another for
infinite creative exploration.
The magic of silver halide film is
available with a few clicks of the mouse
through a simple, intuitive interface. Save
precious time for taking new photos!
DxO FilmPack Expert v4.5 英文正式版(數位影像上可以模擬膠卷的顏色、對比度、顆粒感等獨特的軟體)
DxO FilmPack v5.5.4.515 Elite 英文版(照片膠卷特效處理軟體)
DxO Labs DxO FilmPack Expert v3.2.3.94 英文正式版(膠片效果模擬軟體)
DxO Optics Pro v5.0.4b 英文正式版(數碼單反相機自動圖像質量優化軟體)
DxO Optics Pro v7.1.24002.104 Elite Edition 英文正式版(圖像處理軟體)
DxO Optics Pro v7.2.26014.134 英文正式版(專業圖像處理軟體)
DxO Optics Pro v5.3.2.7310 WinXPVista 英文正式版(改善照片品質的軟體)